Electrical Safety

The Electric Universe®

Build a comprehensive electrical safety program with the world's most popular electrical safety mascot, Louie the Lightning Bug®.


Through his clever songs, Louie has taught millions of people how to "play it safe around electricity" for more than 30 years. The Louie character is timeless—children who learned electrical safety from Louie in the 1980s are now parents who can sing along as their own children learn from Louie.


Over the years, Louie's look transformed with the industry. Louie artwork started out with an incandescent bulb as part of Louie's body, then later changed to a CFL bulb, and in 2017, Louie was updated with an LED bulb.


A variety of products are available for your company's electrical safety program, no matter how big or small.


The Electric Universe website  features Louie in the children's section. Utilities with a Louie license may run Louie TV spots or purchase a Louie costume.


Moore Syndication can also create a custom fulfillment program using Louie (and/or other) materials to mail directly to schools in your service area.


Louie coloring books, activity books and videos are cornerstones of the program. A wide range of educational giveaways such as bookmarks, stickers, crayons, shirts, etc are available for purchase.


See Louie items available for purchase in our online store.


For questions about aspects of the program, or to inquire about ordering custom non-Louie safety materials, please contact us  at 205-871-8819.


The premier site for electrical education, wise use and safety has been remodeled!


The Electric Universe is a subscription site that is an excellent outreach tool to schools, educators and customers.  We've reorganized the content and navigation to make it easier for teachers and children to find valuable information about electricity.


Improvements and upgrades to the Electric Universe include:


• All the Moore Syndication safety and educational videos - including Louie the Lightning Bug®

• All the Louie the Lightning Bug Teacher's kits are now PDF downloads

• New games and activities

• New classroom experiments

• New teacher lesson plans

• A new teacher registration page; Moore Syndication will collect the opt-in teacher information and send monthly reports of activity

• A new online teacher survey. Once a teacher registers he or she can access more lesson plans and evaluate the site. Survey results are compiled and sent to you quarterly.

• A new optional online order page. You decide what products you want to offer teachers and Moore will stock and ship directly.


The New Electric Universe will bear your company's web banner and link to your home site.


To see a sample site, please visit http://www.electricuniverse.com/demo


Subscription is easy! Price quotes available within 24 hours. Just call Pam Moore at 205-871-8819. It takes only about three weeks to build your customized site.


Specializing in Safety Communications

for Electric and Natural Gas Utilities

PLUS Other Products and Services





Moore Syndication is a leading supplier of safety and energy efficiency educational materials to electric and natural gas utilities. Contact us at (205) 871-8819.

Moore Syndication, Inc.

3701 First Ave North

Birmingham, Alabama 35222


Phone: 205-871-8819

Fax: 205-871-7591